Discover aromatherapy

A bespoke, online four-week programme


In this bespoke 4-week programme, you'll receive a primary, in-depth consultation with me (1-1.5hrs), and we'll talk through your mental, emotional and physical health in detail.

I'll then send you a series of bespoke, tailored organic blends and oils to try every week for a month, following up each time via a consultation (15-30 mins each, 3 in total, not including initial consultation) to see what works for you. These blends will be co-created by us during the consultations and will be designed with your unique health and wellbeing needs in mind. You’ll also receive follow-up support from me via email, allowing you to discover the world of aromatherapy with an expert to guide you.,

Throughout the programme, you’ll receive a suite of four organic essential oil blends, in various formats* and posted straight to your door, to build up your own personalised aromatherapy apothecary and first-aid kit.

£300 // 4-week programme

*formats may include creams, lotions, ointments, balms, salt mixes, inhalers, sprays, bath oils, massage oils, inhalation or diffuser blends, and more.